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Note: DMMY WORLD NFT is part of the Telos Mission NFT Hackthon on TAIKAI
Dummy☻DAO introduces the Build-your-own NFT concept to the Telos EVM for the first time ever! Read about how we will be achieving this with Tableland here: TABLELAND + DMMY. There will be (2) separate Mints – Base Dummy Mint and a LOOT BOX mint, which will include all accessories needed to customize your dummy character. There will be a total of TBD Available Dummy’s to mint! The goal of DMMYWORLD NFT, is to allow users the ability to continuously modify their Dummy through the minting of distinct Accessories/Items and Backgrounds. All Mints will be available to trade inspiring a more innovative and robust secondary-hand market for NFTs on TofuNFT, AreaX NFT, etc.
The $DMMY team aspires to showcase the true power and agility of the Telos blockchain with a new build-a-nft concept. Utilizing fast block times and low transaction fees, we have configured a concept with multiple mints and transactions. Users will be able to unlock features that would be unfeasible on other layer one solutions.
From being the fastest, most scalable, and decentralized blockchain to even solving the front-running dilemma! Telos becomes a one-stop shop for developers, creators, innovators, and investors. This Blockchain uniquely boasts the ability to process millisecond transactions at a relatively cheap gas rate integrating the promise of multiple mints as more than feasible. The team is prepared to exemplify the Powerhouse that is Telos, while fulfilling an integral role in its development.
Dummy (Character) Mint – 6 Different Bare Dummy’s available!
Loot Box Mint (items and accessories)
Through a Gamified experience, users will be re-directed to an interactive website (like the video above) where they will first begin minting their Bare Dummy Base Mint. The process will take you through an animated warehouse setting where you will travel with your Bare Dummy to the next step. The following stage will allow users to mint their Items/Accessories. Lastly, users will proceed to the final stage where they will have the opportunity to finalize and fully create their Dummy with a Background Mint.
Please keep in mind – In order to fully create your Dummy, a base dummy and loot box must be acquired. Likewise, a user can continue re-minting until they’ve acquired their ideal final product!
Complete Rarity will be released when Minting goes Live next month! Alongside with a Whitepaper and a Q&A addressing the most asked questions. Please join our Dummy ☻ Finance Telegram as we’re currently developing this Whitepaper and would love Questions/Feedbacks.
$DMMY is proud to announce a Live 2D Simulation game where users will have the capabilities of emerging into an engaging and one-of-a-kind gameplay experience. In order to play the game, users will need to first mint and create the complete Dummy character.
The team put their head down and worked actively behind-the-scenes as needed. We want to highlight their hard work and speak on some of the unique features that may not be as apparent on the first look around!
“Simple Wall Series”
Every Dummy NFT will come with a Simple Wall Background which displays a horizontal array dividing the wall and floor in every NFT. A simple concept yet unique that showcases the most suitable background for our full-size pixelated Dummy.
“Animated Items”
The Items/Accessories Mint will be subcategorized into the following categories – Bottoms, Tops, Eyes, Eyewear, Mouth, Hat/Hair, and the Accessory catalog!
The Rarest items will be in-fact be the animated features! For example, the team illustrated changing eye colors, glasses, live smoking cigs/blunts, jumping features, etc.
The rarest Dummy will essentially be the character that possesses all the Animated Features!
“Staking NFT(s)”
These NFTs will possess real attributes that make them more than a pixel – an asset! This is where we plan to incorporate Dummy☻DAO incorporating an interesting mix of DEFI + NFT in 1 platform.
Stake your NFT and earn Rewards!
We thank our long-term $DMMY holders, and we plan to show to reflect our gratitude very soon.
Sebastian @PeruvianBull
Duke @DukeCapsicum
Lucas @beyoown
The NFT creators, @Peruvianbull, @Beyoownn, with the help of @DukeCapsicum are dedicated Industrial Engineers by craft. We analyze day-to-day processes and streamline production costs in two of the largest companies in the US. Most importantly, we are both long-term Telos holders that are devoted to making a difference in the Telos space! In doing so, we aspire to bring loyalty and commitment to the Telos community. The team is here for the long term and is not using the competition to gain a quick earning. The sought-out plan is to re-invest it into Game development, bringing adoption to Telos, growing the Dummy ecosystem, as well as providing further liquidity for $DMMY. We thank our long-term holders for believing in Dummy, and we refuse to turn our backs on them. We are original Telos investors who were here long before the EVM, and here before the Mission NFT project came to fruition. We are not looking for short-term compensation for the work and project we have provided, nor are we looking to cash out the winnings. We believe, that with patience and devotion, the payout in the long term will be much greater and beneficial to the ecosystem than a short-term gain. Together, we can grow this environment, and we must be fully united by force in order to do so. Our goal is to indulge deeper into the Telos EVM, and we believe this project can be our stepping-stone to being included and accepted by the Telos community. In doing so, we offer a very analytical and quantitative mindset which we believe can be incorporated into any process or development by nature. The team will use our full abilities to submerge into the world of blockchain, and fundamentally become long term assets to both the Telos team and community.
twitter: https://twitter.com/DMMYworldNFT
telegram: https://t.me/dummyfinance